Is there a method to set up a project or folder that won't send notifications to people assigned?
Is there a method to set up a project or folder that won't send notifications to people assigned? Basically, I want to set a plan for development that has current, next, and next next projects on it. I want to be able to assign people but not have them notified. This is to understand work load and balancing the team.
I can do this in excel, but would be great to do in Wrike.
If these are active tasks there is not a way to set them up with out notifications, as far as I know.
If this is a planning folder or project you can set it up in Blueprints and notifications will not be sent.
Just curious, if it is an active folder or project, why would you not want notifications to go out.
Hope this helps.
Hey Ryan,
The driver behind the request to do resource allocation. Our product cycle is pretty short at about 14 weeks and we have about 40 tasks per project.
Currently, I have about 20 active projects and another 30 on deck. If I want to play with scheduling and planning, I don't want to swamp my product teams with notifications that are not relevant to them at this time and are subject to change.
Also, given how reporting works, having all the tasks show up doesn't help create a clean view when I want to look at resource allocation across 20 projects.
I've created a separate project where each task represents a project for some generic planning. I want to take this further by adding resources but not spam them or clutter their to do lists.
I'll likely go the blueprints route. Was hoping the personal space would truly be a personal space/playground for managers, but as soon as I add someone it shares. Would be nice to be able to toggle that in some fashion in the personal space.
Thanks for the reminder on Blueprints, we're only using that for templates. Would rather not clutter it, but think I can make that approach work.
EDIT: Just really looking for a sandbox.
Thanks again!
You could create a set of dummy users (use Collaborator, as no licence fee) with bogus email addresses (e.g. a gmail +(name) etc on the end).
Set up your projects with these dummies assigned and play around until you're happy with the resource allocation.
When you are ready to go, select all tasks in the project and do a "switch assignees" to bulk transfer to your actual users.
e.g set up with bogusJohnSmith then when ready to go-live, "Switch Assignees" to the real John Smith - only then will he be notified.
Thanks for your insight, @Gina🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Why not just place the project on hold? I am new, so not really as mush of a solution offered but a question to a problem I for see my self running into.
Hi Donald, What do you mean by "On Hold", you can deffer tasks or a project, if that is what you mean.
When the project or tasks with in the project are first created, they are marked as active. You can then mark it as deffered, and then assign it, but notifications may still be sent since it is in your active workspace. Blue prints, or assigning the tasks and project to a dummy collaborator account maybe your best option.
Hope this helps.
In case someone stumbles on this old post...Read:
An even older post -
and more recent with a solution -
Small rant - Simple feature has been asked for and now has been added as an extra fee feature. Going to push customers back to MS Project.
Really sorry to hear you're disappointed, Bryan Hoff! I'm passing your feedback to the team.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I just ran into this problem this morning. I am loading multiple projects and making some changes to them before I have the users proceed but I have to tell them to ignore the Wrike messages for now. Their email inbox gets flooded with notices that are not needed. There should be a function to turn off messaging while setting up a project. So, add a "Setup" status option to the project which allows changes and corrections but does not launch actual work and messaging until it is moved to "Released" status. Our projects use a base template but then must be edited to the actual tasks, durations, assignments, and other items before the project is actually launched so messages are flying.
Hey Larry Davidson, thanks for reaching out!
Have you considered using Blueprints? With them, you can manage your project and task templates and plan your work while keeping it separated from ongoing work. When you add an assignee to a task blueprint or an owner to a project blueprint, it isn’t automatically shared and an assignee/owner doesn’t receive any notifications. Items are automatically shared with a user when you @mention them or add them as a follower.
Please let me know what you think!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I already use templates as a base starting point. Every project is different in the detailed task levels so the template covers 75% and gets modified once each project is created from the template to complete the 25%. There is a lot of going back and forth and negotiating between projects in getting that last 25% of tasks refined and resources set as final for the project start. If I were to use templates for every project as you suggest, I would have as many templates as projects so that would be the same as building every project from scratch making blueprints a waste of time. Blueprints are not an answer for what is needed. It seems pretty simple code to change the notifications process to check and see if a flag is set showing the project is being setup and not send the notifications if the flag is set. Once the flag is set to release, the code then sees "release" when it checks and notifications begin being sent.
Thanks for sharing details of your use-case, Larry Davidson!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I only use blueprints for about 20% of our projects. Each one is usually so different, I manually create projects. Every time I do and assign it to my team's space or our company folder, it notes that all members of my team will be notified. This lights up their inboxes unnecessarily. I only want them notified if they are assigned a task, not every time I create a project, close out a project, etc.
Hi Meg Hodson, welcome to the Community, and thank you for chiming in here. I've passed on your feedback to the team🙋🏻♀️
I got around this by creating a custom field (free text). Simple but effective.
Hi Stephen Fish, thank you for sharing your workaround🙌🏼
Chiming in to see if a fix/enhancement has been implemented for this? I love Larry Davidson's idea of being able to flag a Project to either "Hold" or "Release" for notification purposes. It's been 4 years since his suggestion, hoping that's been enough time for Wrike to code...
Hi Marcos Monjaraz! Have you also tried using blueprints for your use case? Creating them and assigning them to users in your account won't trigger notifications.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa this doesn't solve the problem that others and myself are trying to navigate. Blueprints are great to fire off a starting point of a project workflow, but it's not feasible to do this for every single project.
In our use case, we have a blueprint fired by a request form that is submitted by others in our organization. We know the general workstream, milestones, and assignees that will be necessary for these projects, but they still need to go through approval and dates need to be finalized. This process can take weeks. We thought the solution was to set these milestones up as "deferred" tasks in the blueprint, but nope, notifications are still sent, and what's worse, dates of tasks don't shift when you move dependency dates around when tasks are "deferred"
Our solution right now is to keep a "Not Ready" status for everything created by a blueprint and to move it to "Ready" once the workstream has been finalized but again, this is not ideal. Users are still getting bombarded by notifications for projects that aren't yet finalized.
Hi JC ! 👋🏼
Thank you for sharing your use case and explaining why blueprints won't work for you. I understand how inconvenient it can be for assignees to receive notifications when the project hasn't been finalized.
I've passed this along to our product team and will keep you updated on any developments. I'm also moving the original post to our product feedback section so other members can upvote or share their use cases.
Basudha Sakshyarika Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Basudha Sakshyarika Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online