[Status: Not Planned] Printing from List View - to view custom fields and task descriptions
I am trying to print the task from the List View, unfortunately the custom fields that I have in the task are not printing when I print the task off.
Would prefer:
- to be able to print with all the details attached to the task (custom field details included) from the list view
- to be able to print from another view (i.e. table view which has the custom fields) but be able to include the task description when it prints.
Unfortunately in this circumstance the 'workaround' to be able to export the task to excel to manipulate the information is not a feasible solution, which is why we are printing straight from the task in the first place.
Hi Bailey, this is a great suggestion. Printing Custom Fields seems like a really fair request and having print options in other views is a great idea too. I can see you've already got some upvotes 🤙 so I'll be sure to bring it to the attention of our Product Team. If/when I have an update I'll post back here.
Thanks 🙌
I recently started using wrike mostly for testing purposes on a long range plan. Currently I'm staying on free plan but my suggestion is general no matter pricing plan or restrictions per plan.
One of first things I felt I wanted as feature, is being able to print daily task list WITH description notes. I am aware that PRO+ versions have an export to xls feature but still I believe that easy printing is required without the need to export, open excel/Calc, maybe do modifications, print, etc.
There are plenty of cases that I just need an easy print of my daily tasks with descriptions that might contain important details. Yes, all those info might be accessible to my smartphone, or to xls export but still I believe that such feature would be a good added value.
A few examples for daily prints, as whole or individuals printings
Task A : Call John Steward
Task B : Walmart
Task C : Car Service Center
Task D : Meeting with logistics company
In above examples, TASK A printing would help me while talking with Steward, TASKS C and D would help me not to forget something and for TASK B, I could give the print to a colleague/friend/employee to do it for me.
It might me as an extra feature for pro+ plans, or just for free plan customers, to evaluate the need for xls feature that offered only for pro+ plans.
If you decide to provide it, PLEASE make the print compact. I've seen competitor's software printings (some offer with description) with a lot space waste, so for a few tasks I had to print multiple A4 sheets (waste of paper, diff to organize, etc).
Good suggestions. I just ran into a situation that needed a quick printout of the project. I was on a video conference so i couldn't have my Wrike open. The current "print" option via LIST view would have worked just fine if there was an option to include the task descriptions. Since I couldn't figure out how to include those, I ended up opening each task individually, taking a screenshot and print from the screen capture app as I didn't have time to export to Excel and format it for printing. If there is an easier way that I am missing, please let me know.
Has there been any movement on this suggestion? This would be super helpful.
Please complete the design of the custom fields feature to allow a Task's custom fields to be printed along with the remainder of the Task's data. It astounds me that such a great feature is not available out of the starting gate!
The ability to include custom field details when printing a task from the list view is very much needed---and surprising that is not possible without exporting to excel.
Thank you Tonya Murphy for adding your support here. Please be sure to upvote the original post if you haven't yet 👍🏼
agree this would be very helpful!!
Hi Danielle Money, welcome to the Community and thank you for supporting the suggestion!
It looks like this hasn't had much traction, however, the ability to print a task and include all the custom properties is important. The inability to do this is causing more work to be done to manually update tables and text in the description (when that data is already available in the custom field).
What I am trying to do is print a task with all custom fields to act as a manufacturing job traveler (we have an ERP system - this is supplementary). Things like the project name, a part number, part description, quantity, finish, ect, are values that are currently stored in custom fields. Because these won't print, I have to copy/paste or manually type in the data, which introduces a lot of room for errors and involves doubling up on some effort. I don't want to turn to Excel because I lose formatting and it introduces yet another data source that has to be managed.
I would love to have the ability to print the fields and save some time and potential headaches.
Hey Ron Grover. Welcome to Community, it's great to have you here 🙂
Thanks for sharing in detail why this would be beneficial, it absolutely makes sense and I can see the value. Unfortunately, you are correct in saying that there are no plans for this at the moment. There are more popular suggestions as well as priorities that our team is focused on, so this isn't in the roadmap. However, I've passed your feedback on and please be assured that the team will take it on board. If there's anything else we can help with here, please don't hesitate to ask.
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
This feature would be most helpful to our team.
This would be a huge benefit to our team. We want to use a CIT for a Spec sheet and be able to print the custom fields with the task so we don't have to go re-fill it out elsewhere.
Hi Glenna Underhill, Michelle McMillen, thanks for adding your feedback here. As mentioned, there are no plans for this currently, but I have shared your interest in this with the team. If there's anything else we can help with, don't hesitate to ask 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Ich kann mich zu diesem Thema nur anschließen. Es wäre sehr hilfreich und effizient für uns.
Wir benötigen die benutzerdefinierten Felder, die Bilder sowie die Zeiteinträge beim Ausdruck der Aufgabe & Tabellen (Liste)
Danke für Ihre Rückmeldung Sarah Sulzer!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover