Custom Item Types without time booking?
En avantHi, I try to make a lonmg term ressource planning for the project managers and would like to not allow people booking time on this items. I can hide the timebooking field but everybody can unhide and use it.
Is their a way to realy lock the timebooking for a custom item type in general?
Hi Sven,
I don't know if it works, you could try inserting these tasks in a space where PMs are invited only as collaborators or with a specific Access role that doesn't give them permission to modify times.
To try...
Hi Pietro Poli,
unfortunatly it does not work. We need a custom item for a long term planning. Directly in the project their is also normal tasks and their time booking is needed.
Sven, can you share me some screenshots?
Maybe I can try to help you ;)
Pietro Poli that is quiet simple.I want to block the field Timeer as you see it in the screenshots so nobody can enter time. I can hide it (you see I have), but everybody can open hidden fields, so that does not help.
Hi Sven Passinger! Did I understand correctly that you mean locking and unlocking tracked time?
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa yes you can say it like that. But please do not advice me to use the timelocking. I know I can lock time for a project or for single tasks. I am locking for providing time booking for all custom items of this type with being in the same project as other tasks. As with some hundreds of tasks per project it is no option to make it by hand. And also to lock specific tasks is no option. I also looked into automation (so if this type of custom item is generated lock it), but also there it seems not possible.
Go you Sven Passinger, thanks a lot for sharing this detail, I'll pass your feedback to our Product team 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover