Feature REQUEST: Ability to paste a screenshot into Task comment line
Would it be possible to add a feature where the user can copy / paste a screenshot into the task's comment line?
Rather than going through all the steps to create the screenshot, save an image file, then uploading/d&d the screenshot to the task, this would simplify and save a lot of time.
Hi Amy, thanks for sharing this idea! Just to clarify: are you using your computer's native tools for capturing screenshots, or some particular app?
Hi Anastasia,
Yes, I am using my Mac's native capture tool. Thanks.
Amy, thank you for following up, good to know that. :)
Looks like this is a duplicate of this slightly older request: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115002266209-Paste-Image-From-clipboard-into-Comments
I too would like to be able to paste images into comments. I'm using a screenshot tool called Annotate for mac.
Just checking, if there been any progress to make the ability to copy and paste an IMAGE from my clipboard into the comments section of a task an option yet?
Thank you!
Yes! This would really improve my workflow as I'm frequently trying to paste a screenshot from the clipboard to a comment. This works inside of descriptions. BTW, I use Greenshot on a PC, but that shouldn't matter as it copies it as a standard image in the clipboard like a standard Print Screen would do.
This would be very helpful indeed.
I'm using Techsmith's Jing - but any capture tool supports the clipboard I reckon.
Jens Theisen VisBricks
This already works when done in the description. Maybe everyone else knew this already, but I figured it just now.
Jens Theisen VisBricks
Editing the description is only available to users and don't want to clutter up the description with screen shots. It would be extremely valuable have collaborators have the ability to copy and past in screen shots instead of having to save the file and then attach.
I heartily agree: the ability to cut-paste a screenshot into the comments section, rather than the description, is a major workflow time-saver for my Team.
If you reply to a comment on a task / subtask from your email, you can paste a screenshot. I know some people won't like having to do that but it's better than the alternative if you ask me! :)
Yes, this totally needs to happen. In addition to be able to format comments, it's such an obvious and necessary feature!
Yay! 🙌🙌 Thank you!
So great!! Thank you very much for making this happen!!
YES! Thank you so very much! 😃
I often need to take a photo of a whiteboard or a sketch we make and attach it to a task, it would be a great feature if i could use a web-can or some sort of USB camera to be able to take a still images from a PC/MAC to attach directly instead of saving a photo, browsing to it and attaching it from another instance of wrike on a smartphone
Hi, the feature is cool, but could to extend it to the case when we edit comments ?
When I edit a comment, I cannot remove a screenshot, or add another one, probably due to the basic editor provided for this.
Hi LD, welcome to the Community! 🙂
Thanks for weighing in here, I'm passing your feedback to the team!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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