Full integration with G Suite/Team Drive would make this the perfect solution for video editing teams.
Unfortunately, I was under the impression that Wrike did integrate with Google Team Drive and began a trial of switching my remote video editing team to Wrike and G Suite/Team Drive.
It would have been the perfect solution. Without this integration and with no work around Wrike offers little benefit for teams that actually work together editing the same project files. Very sad. I love the interface.
It would be helpful for your product features to make the distinction that G Suite integrates except for Team Drive.
Hello Kristy, thanks for posting your suggestion here. In case it helps I would like to mention that it’s possible to attach public YouTube videos to Wrike files and use the Proofing and Approvals add-on to proof and discuss them. Let me know if you have any questions and have a great day!
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Anna G Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
We're also after this level of integration. We need to pull files from Google Team Drive (not just videos) but documents and slides. We're migrating everything to team drives, so this will be very useful. At the moment Wrike are holding us back.
Thanks for posting this feedback, Kristy, my team is in the exact same boat.
We would LOVE to use Video Proofing with Google Drive files, it would make our workflow so much more efficient. No one wants to upload the same file to multiple places for (essentially) no reason or re-upload several rounds of rough cuts to YouTube when the feature you're talking about could be available.
I'm sure many other current and prospective Wrike users wish this as well and just haven't made a post about it. I very much hope this is something that can seriously be considered for a near-future update. If anyone at Wrike is still listening, please put this on your feature list!
Thank you for sharing the insight, everyone! @Ben, just wanted to make sure: are you referring to Proofing for regular Google Drive or for Google Team Drive, as Kristy mentioned?
@Anastasia Thanks for your response. I am referring to both regular Drive and Team Drive.
@Ben, thank you for the clarification!
We have also begun using team drives. It does have some great features, but in the end, if we can't use it with wrike or I can't use team drive with my google desktop app, it makes it completely useless for me and my team (located around the world)
And I second the notion of video proofing with google drive videos. (since me uploading it twice is a pain in the ass)
@sam - you could sign up for the Google Drive File Stream early adopter program. (basically it replaces Google Drive for Windows application, and supports Team Drives). https://gsuite.google.com/campaigns/index__drive-fs-eap.html
It won't help with Wrike integration but it might help with desktop issues you have.
Please, Enables this now! Files are rapidly moving to team drives! Argh!
We also have our organization on team drives and this would make it possible to utilize wrike.. looks good so far but this is definitely needed.
I completely agree that integration with Google Team Drives is highly necessary - Wrike loses significant appeal without that feature.
On other thread (https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115002224565-G-Suite-Team-Drive-Intregration?page=1#community_comment_115001335765) they mention that they base product-development priorities on the number of upvotes a feature request gets. The problem with this is that Team Drives are generally more of a business/enterprise feature of G Suite and the kinds of folks who would post about this issue here are likely to be whomever is responsible for administering Wrike at their company. You would think an upvote from someone representing hundreds of licenses would have more weight.
If you have decision making power or influence, make sure to reach out to your Wrike account manager and let them know how important this feature is to your organization and its users.
Good news here! You can now directly attach files from Google Team Drive to Wrike. 🙌
Let us know if this is what you were looking for.