Best ways to give feedback on webpages?
I work on a team where we often have to review, comment on, and approve web pages that are being designed and developed by other team members, on both desktop and mobile. The best way I've found to do this in Wrike so far is to take a scrolling screenshot of the entire page, upload it as an attachment in the applicable task, and add comments from there. This gets trickier for mobile.
I was just wondering - does anyone else have any experience with this, or any other solutions that I haven't thought of yet?
It would be awesome if Wrike had a way to add LINKS to review instead of just files.
There's probably better way to do this that someone can help with Lauren, but here's something that might help get those screenshot assets into Wrike.
You can change your browsing 'agent; so that you can review mobile pages on desktop. Here's a How to Geek article I found -it might help, let us know how you get on.
@All, if you're reading this and can help, please share! 🙏
@Stephen, thanks! Unfortunately the agent thing isn't working, as I can't always get the window on desktop to scale to the correct width to accurately represent what it would look like on mobile. The best option I've come up with so far is to use Chrome's Developer Tools > toggle device toolbar > select device of choice, and then use Nimbus Chrome extension to take a scrolling/full-page screenshot while I still have it in the mobile device view. This is fine for now, but it's just one extra step that needs to be taken in the review process. So I was just hoping there was a way already built into Wrike to be able to review web pages instead of screenshots of web pages. Thank you for your suggestion though!
Hey Lauren, yes, I can totally understand the reasons for this and our Product Team has thanked you for the use case as it's something they've thought about before.
I'll leave it here in Best Practices for now so hopefully, someone can share how they work through this sort of flow 👍
If you manage a new workaround please share with us here 🙏
Lauren -- how do you create a rolling screenshot? Interested in your approach.
If you have the Wrike Proofing add on, you can use this to comment on the live website: