Sharing Permissions for a folder are locked to Full Access, but Parent is not. How can I make the child folder like the parent folder?

Our company has a group working within a folder on Wrike titled "Team A working folder". This folder is shared with a Wrike group containing all of its contributing members called "Team A", and the group containing everyone "My Team".

It is our intention that everyone in the workspace be able to view and comment on tasks, but not to reorganize them. On the parent folder "Team workspace folders", this was achieved by setting "My Team" to have "limited access" permissions. The "Team A working folder" is inside the "Team workspace folders" folder. We granted the group "Team A" sharing permissions for "full access", and we expected that the child folder would inherit the "limited access" for "My Team" from the parent folder. Instead, we are seeing that the child folder is set for both groups to have "Full Access" and that the setting is locked with a message stating that this is because the parent is also set that way. This appears to be contrary to our situation, and provides no way to have the folder honor the waterfall permissions it is supposed to have.

Screenshot of the permissions menu for the child folder "Team A working folder"

Can anyone offer advice on why this might be happening, and how to set the child folder's sharing permissions to match the parent folder's?

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Hey Doran, thanks for reaching out 🙂
I was trying to recreate your situation, and that's what happened:
1. I created a parent Folder called "Team Folders" and shared it with "Team A" and "My Team", for "My Team" I set up Limited access.

2. I created a subfolder within "Team Folders", called it "Team A Folder" and shared it with "Team A" and "My Team", and I was able to set up Limited access to this Folder for "My Team" as well (please see the screenshots).

From this I gather that it can be done. You could try unsharing the Folders from everyone and try doing it again, making the steps described by me above. If that doesn't work, please let me know, I'll create a Support ticket for you - someone from the team will help you with it.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I believe that resolved the issue for the time being.

I had to remove all parent folders from the "Team A Folder". Then I un-shared it from "My Team" entirely. Next I added "Team A Folder" back to it's parent folder. It automatically re-inherited the permissions as expected and now appears to be shared and work as intended.

This process, though effective at resolving the symptom, was not intuitive and may not have addressed the cause of the issue. I do not understand how this bug occurred, nor how to avoid it. I would be satisfied for today to have this issue marked as resolved, but it may still be wise for you to register a bug report of some kind (or to let me know how to do so). I am happy to provide more information if it helps to address some underlying issue.

Regardless of how you would like to proceed, thank you Lisa for your diligence in reproducing the example I provided and for your assistance in resolving the issue I described.

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Doran, sure, I'm always happy to help 🙂

I raised a Support ticket to troubleshoot this issue, someone from the team will be in touch soon 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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