[Status: Not Planned] TinyURL for Request Forms External Link

Love the form requests. The external link to the form is long and ugly. Aside from going 3rd party and creating a tiny URL, do you have something internal that would do the same thing?


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If you're sharing the URL via email or pasting it onto another doc, you can simply rename the long and ugly URL by through modification: Insert hyperlink>text to display. 

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Hi Daniel and Beth! @Daniel, the way URLs are currently generated allows for a longer version only. That's an interesting idea though, and if you'd like, I can move this over to our Product Feedback section. @Beth, thanks for sharing this tip!

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Anastasia, please do. Thank you. Beth, thanks for the tip. 

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Would love this too! or better still have a custom url. something like..



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I would love to have a shorter urls! We're moving away from Wufoo and using Wrike for most of our request forms (30+ forms), the length of the form is really annoying but it's also not informative. I adjust the link in email like Beth does, but we also utilize slack, and I want to be able to send a quick link and it's just ugly right now. Our current workaround is sending people to a company support page, with links to forms organized out by department and formatted as a hyperlink. It would be nice to have better organization directly in Wrike. 



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Yes, please, a custom URL would be great. I am always apologizing for how long the links to our external forms are. 

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@everyone!  I know this is a 3rd party solution, but you can use bit.ly to create a shortened link, at least until the Wrike engineers have a solution.  You can even make it a custom named link, for example bit.ly converts the long URL to bit.ly\h8g54s, you can change it to say bit.ly\AllMine, and use that for the link. Limits are: the free version of bit.ly does not let you change the URL once the tiny link is created, but Wrike will still send them to the correct form, and, if AllMine is already taken, you have to find something that is not. 

Marj | Wrike enthusiast!

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Hey Wrike team, any news on this? not rocket science...

I use this all the time in Confluence...

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Totally agree with the request above.

Even if it was possible to lock down first part and allow the company to customize the end of the URL
Example HTTP://WRIKE.COM/COMPANYNAME/FORMS/[allow form naming] 

This would be an excellent feature to an already great system.


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I also need this feature as well. I realize I can go to bitly and also realize I can embed the URL within the text in an email. But as someone else noted, we use Slack and other IM platforms and the URLs for the online forms is way too long. In addition, using bitly provides a short but non-descript URL so that's not really helpful. It would be great to have the option to create short URLs such as the ones Eddie Johnston suggests, one where our company name, forms, and the name of form shows. 

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Hello everyone, thanks for adding your comments here! For now all I can say is that it's currently not on the roadmap, but our Product team is aware of this suggestion. Let's keep the conversation going - this is how the team can understand the popularity of the suggestion. Once it hits 60 votes, the team will add a status - please learn more about them. I'll make sure to get back to you here when I have news 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This would be a perfect addition to Wrike! 

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I would love to see this feature as well. 


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I am also in favor of a shorter URL, even better if we can customize it. I know how to insert a hyperlink in an email but it's not always possible, depending on the settings of the person you are replying to, for example.

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This would be a useful feature please Wrike team. Cheers

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That would be a very helpful feature!

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Hi everyone! Thanks a lot for your continued support here! There are no updates from the team at the moment, but I'll be checking with them again in the coming months and I'll let you know when I have any news. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Yes. This feature is driving me nuts. I love Wrike, but the long links add extra work to my team if we hope to avoid the embarrassment of sending the obnoxiously long link.

The Dev team needs to add this to the road map.

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If you have an IT department I think the safer bet is to work it out on your own to be honest. We made custom support-links that is not the long obscure thing produced - like support.yourcompany.com/yourcustomer - that redirects to the link generated by Wrike. 

I mean, this request was added in September 2017, I find it hard to believe it will be done to be honest. 

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@Thomas Strand: could you put me in touch with your IT department? Maybe they can point me in the right direction. I also don't think Wrike is going to do anything about this highly demanded request either. 

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Hi again, everyone! Thank you for your continued support here 🙌

I've checked with the Product team, and for now, they don't have this on their short-term roadmap due to other priorities. I'll continue to send on your feedback and once this post reaches the threshold of 60 upvotes, this suggestion will receive a Product status

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thomas Strand  Can you also put me in touch with your IT dept?  I am in our IT dept and I'd like to be able to do this for our company.  

We are growing our user base for Wrike and now have a desire to mask (i.e. remove) "Wrike" from the domain as that is extremely confusing since we've re-branded it.

I think this issue here would be solved if Wrike allowed domain/URL masking.... then every link associated with your account would have your domain... there is another thread (with very few responses) that is asking for domain/URL masking but I believe using domain masking would solve this issue instantly. 


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John Rakoczy @Olga Gary

We are a much to small to be able to assist in that respect unfortunately. But in short what was done is to create a URL-redirect in a specific location. For example: 

www[dot]yourcompany[dot]com/customer1/Support --> Redirect to Form1 

www[dot]yourcompany[dot]com/customer2/Support --> Redirect to Form2

www[dot]yourcompany[dot]com/customer2/ChangeRequest --> Redirect to Form3

Edit: It appears I cannot remove the hyperlink.. 

I hope this helps. 


Best regards,


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Olgy Gary re-directing comment from Thom (her name was mis-spelled)

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John Rakoczy - thanks for the redirect.
@Thomas Strand - thanks for the details in your response. I'll pass it along to our team. Not sure this will resolve our problem with Wrike response form. We only wish there was a line in the form our faculty could fill in that would then become the name of the submission so when we check the folder all submissions come in we could tell what course the support ticket is referencing. 

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While a short URL would be great, a much bigger overlooked problem in this is the fact that the URL is changed every time a request form is updated.

Please change this. There is no need to change the URL on an update since it's the same form. It's a maintenance hell right now.

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Hi Henrik Jakobsen, welcome to the Community 👋
Thanks a lot for supporting this idea! I'm passing your feedback to our Product team 👍 Please make sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet - the number of votes helps the team understand how popular the suggestion is. Here's more detail on that, but please let me know if you have any questions! 
If you'd like to know what this Community has to offer, please check out our New to Community forum 🤗

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This is such a simple, easy fix. Why hasn't it been created by now? I see the first request is from 2017. This is an important feature that should be addressed ASAP.

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Hi everyone! I've checked with our Product team - they may be able to research this idea in the coming months. We'll keep you posted on how it goes. 

Thank you for your continuous support in this thread 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa Any updates on shorter URL links? Is it done? Thank you!

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