Meeting notes management
We need a solution for meeting notes management. At this time we're adding it to a task or to the description, but we need a place that's consolidated and easily accessible. Asking resources to locate a project, locate the meeting notes tasks or folder, and sort through the notes needed for viewing is too many steps and cumbersome.
Adding an additional request. As we're adding meeting notes, from 1:1s, group meetings, and action items it would be helpful to be able to drag and drop line items to group them. In Quip for example, we have a list of action items in our individual page as we mark them as complete we drag to group them together, and move them to an archive area. Without this feature, we'll have to copy and paste each line item to group them together before moving it to an archive task in Wrike.
Howdy, Diana! I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but we set up a "Notes" status in our default workflow. When we have meetings, we create a task with a name like "Meeting Notes - Part A 2019-0726" and assign everyone involved in the meeting. With the "Notes" active task status it is (usually) easy to find notes and comments in projects, and this practice also keeps those notes on everyone's dashboard until the project and tasks are "completed".
That's what we've done too - we actually have a whole 'meetings' workflow - Agenda, Minutes, Action, Decision etc - this works really well for us as we're able to @mention and share as required, plus ensure all actions are completed
@Diana, I'd also recommend checking out this thread (and upvoting the post as well😉) - there's an interesting discussion on notes there too 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks everyone! These suggestions are helpful.