Put a task in my *own* Incoming tab in Inbox - how to trigger that?
I have come to really rely upon the "Incoming" tab in my Inbox area of Wrike. I have turned off email notifications from Wrike and just look here during the day instead.
It's great that 'new stuff' appears here for my attention AND I can Snooze (or archive) it, to avoid it getting lost in the hundreds of tasks I own.
I can't find a way to trigger a task to show up here, by an action of my own. It seems like only other people's actions can get a task into the Inbox...
Is there something I can do myself, within Wrike, to trigger the appearance of a task in my Inbox (so I can remember to work on it, or Snooze it for a bit)?
Hi Jamie,
Do you use Dashboard Widgets? If so you may want to look at creating a dashboard and using the pre made widgets to set up, All your tasks, Tasks Do today/this week, and a Over Due Task. If you want to know how to do this let me know and I can point you in the right direction.
So for clarity was the answer to this a "no"? I'm learning the app so that I can build processes and teach our our "employee" (new tiny company of 3) who has never used a collaboration tool before. I wanted to mock up some incoming things in my inbox for the demo on 'expectations for inbox management'. I can work around this by incorporating him sending me things as an interactive demo, but it doesn't have a way to do this yourself?
For this tagging yourself so that it appears in your inbox I would say is a no. You can star tasks and it would appear in your Starred section of your inbox.It is basically like tagging yourself.
@Ryan Nelson,
Thanks for trying to help.
Yes, I use Dashboard Widgets - but the Dashboard functionality is plagued with its own set of issues.
I have lots of dashboards - in fact I've hit the LIMIT (and the fact that there is a limit really sucks).
The widget's filtering tools are simply not powerful enough to hone in on one set of priorities for my hundreds of tasks that come from hundreds of folders.
That is why I really need the Inbox to be more powerful.
And yes, I "star" things in my Inbox - but a star just makes everything the same priority... only helpful when I really, really want to surface key tasks to remember (or, more accurately, not ignore them).
I need a really, really simple change to Wrike's functionality: Let ME do what every other user in my organization can already do: Trigger arrival of a Task in MY Inbox's Incoming List!
Wrike - please give me some 💪.
Check out how Slack allows you to 'talk to yourself' with message posts to your own user, and the Slackbot.
Hey guys, great discussion here!
@Jamie, I thought of creating a folder of your own and tagging all important tasks there. I understand it's not ideal, of course. What do you think?
I'd suggest creating a Product Feedback post for this, or I can move this thread there for you. Please let me know 🤝
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks for trying Lisa but i've already tried the 'tag' approach. It was helpful in the case of the "Wrike ToDo" extension in Google Chrome new tabs, but not the same thing, at all, as having a notification arise.
Please do move my suggestion to Product Feedback if you find that something like this does not exist.
I've been trying for 3 years now to find one reliable way to manage and prioritize my 200+ tasks across everyone else's folders, and every single attempt to use your tools comes up short for one reason or another. This was my last-resort.
Jamie Adler Hello again! I moved your post to Product Feedback. I also wanted to ask - are you using My to-do smart list at all? It might be helpful to manage your tasks in Wrike. Here's the Help Center article just in case:
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Jamie Adler,
I was just reading this discussion as it has something to do with inbox notifications instead of using email.
But in this case I am with the wrike team. I think the inbox was designed to get *informed* about things that changed without you. It's not designed to replace your personal to do list.
I often find myself checking my inbox for what I still have to do, but this is not the way it was meant to, I guess. You should have in mind that any incoming message in your inbox is deleted after 30 days, wether it's archieved or not. And I like this automatical cleanup.
A dashboard is the perfect place to organize your own to do's as you can manage the order of your tasks by drag'n'drop using the "sorted by priority" setting.
The inbox is quite important and should be used to replace that weird email notificatons, but you should not use it to manage your own todo's, that also weird!
Kind regards
I guess I'm "also weird" then. I use my inbox to manage everything I have to do, or that needs my attention for any reason regardless of whether it's assigned to me. The reason is that Wrike is just one of many platforms I use daily to keep track of things, so having to manually manage/track multiple folders or dashboards just within Wrike... yeah I'm not doing that. I tried tagging myself in the comment section, but the comment only appears in "sent" and not "received".
My temporary solution? "@someone, please tag me here so I get it in my inbox". Not ideal, but works for me.
Hi Fernando,
do you also send emails to yourself in the same manner? ;-)
Hi Florian,
I do all the time. That way the thread goes to the top of my inbox and I mark it unread. It'd be nice to be able to do that in Wrike, but alas.
Hi Fernando Gonzalez,
wow, this brought me to a brilliant idea: If Wrike would implement a threaded view of incoming and outgoing messages as an option, like Outlook does, you would get what you want without changing the functionality of incoming notifications, which could be quite annoing for others (like me). I don't want so see my sent messages in my inbox if I mention a usergroup including myself. But if you could switch to a threaded view of your inbox, where outgoing messages are grouped with incoming ones of the same task, I guess everyone would be happy! :D
Fernando Gonzalez
btw. have you tried pinning the tasks you want to focus instead of your @mentioning system?
I see what you mean, but I wouldn't want to see all outgoing messages in my inbox. There is already a "sent" tab, but I never go there.
Anyway, I just came to see whether it was possible to manually add something to "incoming". Looks like the answer is "no" so I shared what I do and maybe that helps someone. I'm sure everyone will find a way that works for them. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Good day.
Thank you for reaching out Fernando Gonzalez! It's indeed not possible at the moment, but our Product team is aware of this feedback. I'll send your input on this to them as well 👍
Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Everyone,

I found a great solution. I asked my admin to set up an automation with a custom trigger that sends tasks to my inbox. They set up a custom field, and then wrike bot sends me a message. I don't really know how it works, but it is possible:
Thanks a lot for sharing this workaround Fernando Gonzalez 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover