Can I apply automation rules to a Blueprint for a task? Or can it only be applied at the project level, to the tasks within that project?
My team creates content for client's websites. There's a predefined set of tasks for doing this, which need to be completed in a specific order. This is illustrated in the Blueprint below, which is used often and in a number of different client projects.
I would like to create a rule that changes the status from 'Pending Team' to 'Ready to Start' when a task's predecessors are completed.
However, it looks like automation needs to be applied at a project level, rather than a task level:
Is there a way that I can apply automated rules to this Blueprinted task and continue to be able to add it to ANY project within a space?
Dan Bowden

It looks like you can do this, but you need to use the workflow as a trigger rather then the task.
I am not 100% certain what you are trying to do, but assigning the automation rule to the space itself and making it apply to all tasks that match a specific set of rules should trigger them. There should be no need to assign it to a blueprint specifically, but this will apply to all tasks within the space.
E.g. we have an automation rule that cleans up all tasks that have been in a semi-completed state after 10 days. They are no longer valid so we want them out of our work-flow. Of course, we would want the manual action by the people who are assigned to approve them, but it's not always the case.