Ability to track Mean Time To Complete (MTTC)
A really nice feature would be the ability to track how long it took to complete a request from the time it was submitted to the moment it was marked completed: Mean Time To Complete (MTTC). This is a common team health metric used, especially with incident management teams, IT Helpdesks, and general Kanban teams.
I've personally received requests from our IT and Marketing teams who are curious how long it took for a request (especially bugs and other issues) to be completed from the time the Form was submitted. IT specifically would like to run a report to track this metric on a weekly basis. The best I can currently provide is how long it took to complete once it was moved to In Progress to Done. This can be an easy way to spot team overload and the need to hire to keep up with support requests.
TL;DR - The ability to add a field on the Table view (or a Report) that automatically calculates the MTTC by using backend data (the time a task was created {doesn't matter if it's through a Form or not} to the time it's marked as completed) would be ideal!
Many thanks, @...!