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Team Plan: Using Views to Monitor Work Items

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Views are the different options for how you see items within a project. The view options appear after you click on a project's name.

In Wrike Team plan you can choose to view your work in the following views:

  • Table view

  • Board view

  • Calendar view

  • Analytics view

  • Gantt chart

  • Files view


You can add as many views to your project as needed. When creating a view, you can choose if you want this view to be visible to everyone in this space or only to you.

Adding a view to a project

Once you've created a project, you can add views to it for more visibility.


Collaborators can't add new views to projects shared with them, but they can adjust filters and sorting on existing views.

To add a new view to your project:

  1. Open a project from the sidebar.

  2. Click on the All button next to the existing views.

  3. Select +Add view to create a new view or select the existing view from the list.

  4. In the window that opens, you will be asked to: select the view type, add a name for this view, and decide if it is going to be visible to all users (public) or only you (private).

  5. Click Create.


The view is created, and you can start adjusting it by applying filters and changing the sorting order.


Even though Wrike fills in the name field with the default view name, we recommend you use descriptive names for your views, for example, Release calendar instead of just Calendar, or Team Performance: Q1 instead of Analytics.

Table view

Table view allows you to monitor and manage your work in a spreadsheet-like format. Also, with the help of Table view, you can add, edit, and manage custom fields for your projects.


You can add any columns you need to your project to track its progress. In Wrike, you can use default fields together with custom ones.


It is possible to create new items as well as adjust the information about existing items within your project.


You can sort and filter items you see in this view. Additionally, you can drag and drop columns to adjust the view.


Board view

Group all tasks in your project on a Kanban-style board. You can drag and drop tasks to change their status, and see attached files as thumbnails without opening a task.

In the Board view, all items in your project are organized in columns according to their status.

Using Board view, you can:

  • See which items need to be worked on

  • Learn how much time an item spent in its current status 1

  • Change items' statuses by dragging and dropping them from one column to another

  • Create new items in the desired status 2

  • Change task assignees 3

You can adjust what is displayed by using filters 4 as well as adding custom fields 5 and image thumbnails.


Additionally, you can make changes to your space workflow directly from the Board view 6. You can add new statuses, delete existing ones, and rename some statuses to fit in with your team workflow. Learn more about statuses and workflows here.

Gantt chart

Use the Gantt chart to see how items in your project are scheduled and to make adjustments to your project's timeline quickly.

The timeline on the chart's right side shows scheduled items as bars, which extend from the task's start to end dates. The table on the left side of the view shows all items, including items that haven’t been scheduled.

By default, tasks appear in the color associated with their status on the timeline portion of the chart. A project name appears on the timeline, and a bracket appears under the name. A project bracket color depends on the project status. The bracket will always span from the earliest start date to the end date of the latest item within the project, even if the project has its own start and end dates.

From the Gantt chart, you can:

  • Create, edit and delete items

  • Reschedule items

  • Add predecessors and start constraints to items

  • Add dependencies

  • Create snapshots and share them with people within and outside your team



Click here to learn more about the Gantt chart in Wrike.

Analytics view

Analytics view provides task-related data in easy-to-digest infographics.

When switching to Analytics view you see the following widgets:

  • Number of active tasks

  • Number of overdue tasks

  • Number of tasks by status

  • Tasks by assignee

  • Completion rate in %



You can filter what you see in this view using predefined filters and custom fields.

Files view

Use Files view to see all files within your project in one place.

You can change the display mode as well as filter what you see in this view.

Also, you can choose to move, copy, download or delete some of the attachments.


Calendar view

You can use Calendar view to see your project's tasks in a calendar format.

Use Calendar view to quickly display your work items on a timeline and keep track of what needs to be worked on and when. With this view, you can make decisions on what needs to be added or rescheduled in the current project, track the progress of running campaigns and activities, and plan future work on a large scale using the yearly or quarterly overview.

Once you open a project in Calendar view, you see all items within that project on the calendar grid. Items are represented by colored bars 1 that span across items' scheduled dates, the color of item bars depends on the item status color.


You can view items in weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly zoom. Use the zoom drop-down 2 on the settings bar to select the relevant option.

Additional options allow you to show and hide weekends, week numbers, and subitems 3.

From Calendar view, you can create items scheduled for specific dates.

Also, you can reschedule existing items.

You can use Calendar view to share your team plan with external stakeholders via public links 4. It is possible to create a link to the view and share it with people outside of Wrike. Anyone with the link will have an up-to-date view of all work items that were displayed on the view when you created the link.


All users in the account can use Dashboards.

By default, each space has one dashboard. All members of this space can add or delete widgets on this dashboard. Each widget shows work items that meet the specified criteria. You can use Wrike’s prebuilt widgets or build custom widgets to see items that match the filters you apply.


Only items from the selected locations will show up on widgets.

To add a widget to a dashboard:

  1. In the selected space, click Dashboards 1 on the sidebar.

  2. Click +Widget. 2

  3. Select a widget you would like to add and click Add widget. 3

  4. When you choose to create a custom widget, you will be offered to select the location, from which the data will be displayed, add custom fields to the widget, select a set of filters for items, and choose the sorting. You can also select to report on projects, in such case the custom widget will display all projects which meet the criteria within the selected space.



For task-based widgets, you can select to report on multiple locations(projects), but only from the space in which you are creating a dashboard widget.

You can select one of these available widgets:

  • My overdue tasks: active tasks that are overdue and assigned to me

  • My tasks this week: tasks assigned to me that are due this week

  • My tasks: all active tasks that are assigned to me

  • Followed tasks: all tasks that I'm currently following

  • Overdue tasks I created: tasks that I created that are overdue and assigned to others

  • My backlog: all active tasks that are assigned to me without a due date

  • Custom task widget: all tasks in this space with customizable filters


When you create a widget with "assigned to me" or "my tasks" criteria for each user, this dashboard will show tasks assigned to them (or created by them). If you would like to create widgets for each member of your team specifically, you can do it using the Custom task widget.

Filters and sorting

In all views, you can adjust what you see by changing the default sorting and applying additional filters to your project.

You can sort items by name, priority, importance, due date, start date, etc. (the full list of sorting options might be different in different views).


In Table view, you can sort items by any column value. Just click on the column name to do so.

Filters determine which items will show up in your view. For example, you can choose to show only items assigned to you or a specific teammate. Additionally, you can choose to filter items according to custom fields.
