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Team Plan: Settling In

Table 1. Availability




Business Plus

Enterprise Standard

Enterprise Pinnacle

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle; Availability: Team.


Accounts created on or after October 15, 2024, will be automatically enrolled in the New Team plan.

Wrike Team plan overview

Wrike is an online work collaboration solution that helps teams achieve better work results faster.

With Wrike you can manage your work more efficiently:

  • Focus on the most important work.

  • Use a single hub for your work, including projects, campaigns, sprints, tasks, files, and discussions.

  • Spend less time on emails and meetings.

The Wrike Team plan is a perfect solution for smaller teams from 3 to 25 members.


You can learn more about available features and start your free Wrike Team plan trial here.

Navigating Wrike workspace

Once you have created your account, the first thing you will see is your first project within your first space . Depending on what you have chosen during account creation, you will see it open in one of the views: Board, Table, Analytics, Gantt chart, or Calendar. You can learn more about views here.


Depending on what you chose during the registration process, you might see a different naming: campaign 1, sprint, or project. In this guide, we refer to all of them as projects because they all serve the same purpose.

Above the project, you can see a panel with your avatar (or your initials) in the right corner 2. By clicking on it, you can access Settings 3, where you can adjust your personal information, your account info, and your work schedule.


To the left of your project, you can see the sidebar where you can:

  • Create new spaces, projects, campaigns, etc.

  • Navigate between spaces you are a part of and items you have created

  • Access Shared with me

  • Access Inbox and Assigned to me tabs

  • Open space settings (if you are a space admin)

  • Invite new users (for all users, except for collaborators)

  • Create dashboards

The sidebar can be hidden or brought back by clicking on its icon. When the sidebar is hidden you can bring back the smaller overlay version of it by hovering next to the left side of your workspace. To bring back the sidebar click the hamburger icon in the left upper-hand corner of the workspace.


Shared with me 4 gives you access to all the projects shared with you within your Wrike account.


Inbox 5 helps you keep track of important updates in Wrike. The red number next to the Inbox button on the sidebar shows how many unread notifications you have. Once something important happens (you are assigned to do some work, a colleague needs your help in comments on a task, you are invited to a new space, something is shared with you, etc.), you will receive an Inbox notification.

Also, you can access all the comments you have left in one place through the Sent 6 tab in Inbox. If you want to keep your Inbox clean, you can always archive some of the notifications. You can access them anytime from the Archive 7 tab. Additionally, you can snooze notifications and be reminded about them later 8.



Filter your Inbox notifications by using the pre-built set of filters: you can choose to show all updates or only unread. 9

Assigned to me 10 tab shows you all the items assigned to you. You can add more columns to the widget and sort items by any of the field values or you can select to sort items by default sorting options: priority, name, status, and due date.


What you see in Wrike

Different users are able to view and access different things in the same Wrike account at different times. This can be for a number of reasons.

License type

Each Wrike user is assigned their own license type, admin, regular user, or collaborator. License types affect what actions users can take in their account and what is accessible to them.

Account owners can select the license type for users when inviting them into the account or later from the account settings.

Regular users have most of the rights in the account, and collaborators are very limited in what they can do (they can access items only if they are shared with them, change items' statuses, leave comments and attach files).


You can add up to 20 collaborators to your account. Collaborators are "free" licenses. They don't add up to the overall number of licenses you buy for your account.


Once items (spaces, projects, or tasks) are created in Wrike, they must be shared with you in order for them to appear in your workspace. If something isn’t shared with you, you can’t access it. Once something is shared with you, it appears in your workspace, and you can then view and search for it.

Views and filters

Wrike has a number of views that influence the way you see items. These are changeable and can be configured to suit you. In addition, you can apply any set of filters to influence the items you see.
