Do deactivated users count against available users on an account?

When a user is deactivated, and your account has a specific number of users available, do they count toward that total?

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7 Kommentare
Hey Joseph and welcome to Wrike Community! :)
User deactivation is temporary and usually used to limit user access for a period of time. If you'd like to permanently delete a user, I'd suggest removing him/her from the account - that way the user's seat becomes available 👍 I'd also recommend reassigning all tasks before deleting a user so that no tasks or projects are forgotten.
I'll be happy to help with any further questions, just drop a line here on the Community :)

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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This is so wrong...

Deactivated users should not count towards your license tier...

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We've actually found a work-around solution to this. If you need to deactivate users rather than delete them because you want to keep a record of their work even after their gone or for whatever reason, you can avoid them counting toward your licensing tier by also changing their user type from regular user to collaborator, since those don't count. This is also beneficial in the case that they may return to the system at some point since you can just reinstate them as regular users later on if necessary.

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Brilliant, Joseph!  Thanks.

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Deactivated users shouldn't count against your seats...

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Curious to know if deactivated Collaborators now count against your Collaborator count, thus resulting in a charge?  Since we are only allowed 15% "free" Collaborators now, I assume that any deactivated collaborators are also subject to license charges if you go over the 15% (or 20, which ever is greater) on your account.

This is a big deal to us because when we first implemented Wrike, we would do the work around to move a user who left the team into a "free" collaborator role and then deactivate them.  Why?  Because that way we could keep the history of who worked on an assignment (required in our industry), but also ensure that the user could no longer access the tool (deactivated), and that we were not paying for that user (collaborator).  Now with collaborators coming with a charge, we are struggling to understand the best way to delete users but still maintain the history of who worked on an assignment.

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Hey Michele Mason, your CSM will be able to check this out for you and assist further. They'll be in touch soon on this. If you need anything else let us know 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen

Elaine Wrike Team member Erfahren Sie mehr über Wrikes leistungsstarke Funktionen und lernen Sie Anwendungsbeispiele kennen

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