Is there any way to sort your task list in a custom order?

I want to order my task list like this: (Example)

  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Monitoring & Control
  • Closure
  • Task n.
  • Task n+1

Sort options (Priority, Date, Status, Importance, Title) do not include something like Custom, or re-order,

I can use a number as a first character and order by Title, but it is very common I have a huge list of Tasks and if I insert a task, we need to rename all the task below this.

-Thanks in advance



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A go round would be to create a custom workflow.  If the above list is the right order, you could name it 1.Initiation, 2.Planning, 3.Execution, etc. and then sort by status. Use the numbers, because if you don't it will sort alphabetically. 

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You could also use the priority sort option to do this! I just discovered this feature recently. In your task list, select the priority sort option, click on any task, and drag it where you want it to go! Just be careful not to drag a task on top of another one or it will become a subtask.

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Thank you guys for your valuable support and quick response...

Anna, you right! 

Using Sort "By Priority", allows me to drag any task and move up and down..

Thank you!

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My pleasure, Marco! Another cool trick is that if you set up a dashboard widget with the priority sort option set, you can drag and drop straight from your dashboard! 

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Marco, my team found that adding a prefix to each task allows us to consistently sort by Name. This could be a, b, c or 1, 2, 3 or 01, 02, 03 (if over 10 tasks). It is a bit of added work, but allows for consistency between List, Table and Gantt Chart Views.  I received this information from the community some time ago (I couldn't find the link).

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Wrike freaking sucks that if you want to do this you have to add a prefix to the name! So any changes mean you have to change the name of every task. Stupid. 

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Hi Christopher Wilson, welcome to the Community!

There are a couple of other suggestions on this thread - using custom workflows or sorting by priority and drag the tasks in the order you want. You can also create a separate Product Feedback post on this.

Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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If you choose "Sort by title", then you will see all active tasks, not just the one schedule for today (either starting date or due date).

If you choose "Sort by date" then you can collapse "Tomorrow" and "Later" and focus on "Today", but the tasks within Today will be seemingly arbitrarily sorted and you can't sort either by Title or manually within this "Today" section.


How can the "My to-do" section be made useful for a daily task list? It seems like you either have to choose between seeing tasks that are not relevant for today, or you will see only tasks from today but not in the order that you want.

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Hi Gandalf Saxe, thank you for posting and sharing your feedback. Currently, My To-Do only allows sorting on one level. May I ask if you've considered using a dashboard with filters and sorting? 

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Yes I just did and dashboards are really impressive and perfect. I still think the standard "My to-dos" need some improvement because it should still be a viable option, for which I'd need some more sorting options, but dashboards seems to solve my issue completely 👍

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Thanks for getting back to me Gandalf Saxe, I've passed on your feedback on My to-do with the Product team 👍🏼

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